massage after an auto injury
Receiving frequent massage a bodywork after an auto accident is a gentle and effective way to recover from auto accident injuries. Luckily, in the state of Oregon, your treatments are covered in full under your PIP, or personal injury protection insurance.
Regardless of whether you were the driver at fault for the accident, you can still take advantage of covered treatments. Passengers or children that were in the car at the time of the accident are also eligible for covered treatments. Whether you have basic liability insurance or full coverage, you are still entitled to treatments through your auto insurance.
During your sessions we'll focus on decreasing and breaking up the hyper toned muscle tissue and compensation pattern that has developed due to the accident. Depending on how you're body is feeling a responding to treatment we may start of slow and gentle, reminding the body that it's ok to relax and free up tight areas and holding patterns. As your body becomes less sensitive we'll dive into deeper holding and compensation patterns with myofasical and deep tissue techniques.
Regardless of fault, the damage to your car and your body are BOTH covered under your auto insurance policy. Oregon law requires Personal Injury Protection (PIP) on all insurance policies which includes a minimum of one year and up to $15,000 to cover medical bills and treatments, like massage therapy and bodywork.
I will submit all paperwork on your behalf. All you need to start treatment is a referral for massage therapy. If you need help obtaining a referral for massage please contact me for evaluation references.
obtaining a referral
Your primary care doctor, or the doctor you saw for evaluation after your accident can write a referral for massage. These office visits to your doctor will be covered and paid through your PIP.
Don't have a primary care doctor? I have a list of qualified practitioners who can do an evaluation and write you a referral for massage therapy.